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Purchase Somatic Singing Classes & Sessions here!

Buy Classes & Sessions

To register for a class or private session, simply purchase the item below.
Please also fill out the Registration Form to tell us a little more about your singing journey.

somatic singng

Registration Form

Please fill out this form after you purchase a class or session:
Name Email
I am registering for:
Group Class 🟣 Meditation Monday
Group Class 🟢 Warmup Wednesday
Many Moons Bundle ☽◯☾
Private Session
Vocal Rehab Program (VRP)
Somatic Singing Program (8 Chakras)
My Voice Journey (optional) My Healing Journey (optional) Questions? Comments? Submit

Other Payment Options:

  • Venmo You can also purchase classes through Venmo by sending the dollar amount to @justinemusic

  • PayPal - You can also purchase classes through PayPal by sending the dollar amount to jauntingjustine@gmail.com

  • When using PayPal, please select "Send to friends & family", so that PayPal doesn't take an unauthorized cut.

  • Please fill out the Registration Form after your purchase. Thank You!

Need Help? Have Questions?

If you're having trouble checking out, please follow our Purchase Instructions for help.