Somatic Singing

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sing from your chakras

#songcircle #forest

Pranayama & Iyengar

#yoga #breathing

tap into your higher self

#nature #retreat

Healing through song

#soundhealing #vibration

focus on your breath

#meditation #breathwork

Quiet the Mind

#buddha #meditate

how does the voice work?

#howtosing #vocal

Inspirational Quotes

#inspiration #motivation

Register for the Monday Class

Weekly Somatic Singing online class with a focus on meditation

Meditation Monday:  Restore your energy with meditation, yoga breathwork, gentle stretching and a somatic song circle. Learn to play with harmonies and melodies intuitively, release stuck energy from your chakras, and explore your own voice in a freeing musical environment. 

MONDAYS at 3:30 PM (PST) ~ 45-minute Online Class