Help & FAQ's

Purchase Instructions:

  1. Click "Buy Now" under the item you wish to purchase below. 

  2. You can either check out now or click "Shopping Bag" when you're ready.

  3. When you add something to your bag by clicking "Buy Now", it should open a window to complete your check out. If that does not happen, click on "Shopping Bag" 👜 to check out.

  4. After you've checked out, you'll receive an email confirmation and link to the class or session. 

  5. Please fill out the Registration Form on the store page, below the store items. Thank You!

Class - Next Steps:

  • After you check out, you will receive an email with a confirmation of your purchase. 

  • You will then receive an email with the online class link or in-person class location. 

  • Closer to the date of the class, you will receive an email with a list of what to bring to class.
    (i.e. water bottle, comfy clothes, yoga mat or meditation cushion, things like that.)

Private Session - Next Steps:

  • After you check out, you will receive an email with a confirmation of your purchase. 

  • You will then receive an email to schedule your first private session. 

Other Payment Options:
Venmo & PayPal

  • Venmo You can also purchase classes through Venmo by sending the dollar amount to @justinemusic

  • PayPal - You can also purchase classes through PayPal by sending the dollar amount to

  • When using PayPal, please select "Send to friends & family", so that PayPal doesn't take an unauthorized cut.

  • Please fill out the Registration Form after your purchase. Thank You!